Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Initiative

Focused on Overseas Interests

In 2014, the IRS expanded its Streamlined Program, making it easier for U.S. citizens living in the U.S. and overseas to become compliant. In addition, the IRS offers Delinquent Submission Procedures for taxpayers who may not have filed certain foreign bank reports (FBARs) or other international informational returns, and may not need to use the OVDP or Streamlined Program.  If you need to take advantage of one of these programs, our Citrin Cooperman professionals can help.

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Services Included

Review and assessment of your situation
Prepare and submit any required documents, including amended tax returns, FBARs, and application to the OVDP
IRS representation for taxpayers utilizing the Streamlined Program or Delinquent Procedures
Connect you and work with tax attorneys specializing in OVDP if it becomes necessary
File and amend as necessary any state tax returns with the applicable state voluntary disclosure program

How Citrin Cooperman Can Help

If you have overseas brokerage accounts or stock holdings, pensions, retirement accounts, savings accounts — any foreign financial assets or interest other than real estate — in any given year, you may have to disclose those to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Failure to do so can result in severe penalties and even criminal prosecution.

Over the years, the IRS has implemented several versions of which is currently known as the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (OVDP), where taxpayers can become compliant with the law, have the possibility of reduced penalties, and not be exposed to the risk of criminal prosecution.

Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Initiative Insights & Resources

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Our Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Specialists are here to help.

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